Sunday, October 19, 2008

kitty kat's open house

just got home from kat's place. she had an open house. soyeah. cliques and i went dere to had our lunch.=)) let's just let de pic from my cam do de talking ok? heE.

just ignore de fact that the all our face look damn tired. its either we had too little sleEp or too much sleep! haha! shall post more pics as soon as i get from dem. n ya ppl. you can just head to my photobucket. n yes, laugh all you want on my old pics. heE. -_-'

ok side tract, if opposite really attracts, no wonder i like bad boys. haha! im a nono with good guys like jack. but i will get really happy when im with bad boys. opZ. susa nie ekh? aisey. n syed abdullah, i dont really get turn on with big built guys. it just so happen dat my ex, muhammad fadhil, is big. dats just ONE! aisey. you ar. heE.

i don't know if i'm supPose to bE
feElin this way.
somEone pleasE teLl me..

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