Friday, October 10, 2008

kenduri ,cinta

yesterday went to school for some meEting on de big open house @ nyp that school will be havin next year. my poly my choice?? err.. ohhhkaeee......... heE.

de whole cliques were dere except for pj. n pj girl, you should have just came. cause it dosen't matter. heE. de talk was all about customer service, marketing n bla3. is as though ur takin a business course.=\ but it was damn fun. wasn't as boring as expected. with cliques and having people you can wash your eyes on, it was thumbs up! heE. ouhouh.. my long lost yesika monditalia ali was dere 2! whee! sukerrr!! she's one of de few year1 kids dere. n n, shes yr1 and shes a leader. lawan taukeh nmpk? haha. nvrm de fact dat i'm "working" for you. -_-' so glad i can spent more time with you. heE!

had a family gathering to pray for my late uncle in de evening. was fun to get back together with my cousins n catch up with things. they say there's a hikmah behind everything ryt? now my cousins are closer! n i really like that. =)) camera died on me. boO. but thank god dat dere was such things as camera phones. soyups. camwhored! love! shall upload later..

atok's staying over at my house. n i super love it! heE. it had beEn sucha long time since he slept here. so feEl gr8 his here! =)) i just hope my uncle let him stay over for some time. heE.

ling woke me up 2day! but its ok. it was quite late already. heE. talk to her 4 awhile. get back into life. love you tau beb! haha.

was having lunch when dd called to meEt up at tamp. he did'nt ask. he was just like, you keEp quiet n meEt me quick can. erR?? okaa.. ouh well, his nephew was dere, cinta nur fitriyana to be exact. shes super duper cute la! omg! she was just smiling all de way n keEp on insisting dat she neEds to be carRied. her eyelashes was so beautiful la! heE. did'nt manage to get a pic of her cause either shes to hype about somethin else or she loves de fone n want to grab it. shEesh..trip was short cause dd neEds to send her back to her home. it was all about her 2day. me n dd just didi'nt talk. haha! ouhyupz! n cincin syg! hapPy first birthday! sayang kw! soyups, home swEet home!

why is it so difficult

for you to tell me

de truth?

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