SeLamat hari rayer people!=))
this once a year event is for you to seEk for forgivenesS to everyone you have known. you ask for forgivenesS n hopefully they will forgive you.
so i'm here, to say i'm sorRy to everyone who have i hurt intentionally or unintentionally. malay, chinese, indian, everyone la. sorry if i had say de wrong things and just did anything you don't like. sorRy if that moment of time, i had gosSipeD bout you. i'm just an ordinary person trying to have fun. so during dat process, if i had hurt you. sorry ok. hopefully you guys can forgive me. much appreciated.=))
ystd was off to grand-dad's place. met up with all my cousins n aunty n uncle. like finally everyone was dere. =)) datin2, smua datang knkn?? heE. was nice to slack n talk around. was a short meEting cause my family came a lil bit to late. heE. after grand'dads place, was off visiting my dad's side of de family. so yes, get to meEt everyone dat day. hapPyneSs.
so, i'm still considered not working and still studying, so keching keching! yeah. i hope i get enough to buy de samsung omnia i had beEn eyeing for. whee.. loves..
silblings; they say we look like aluminium foils.=\
de guy side.
aluminim foils with atok tersyg..=))
suhaila n family
my dad can't stop eating peanuts.-_-'
credits to F.Razy's spects, i look like an IDIOT. heE.
n when everyone's off, my uncle finally woke up.=\
abg din n wife. aqid was asleEp.syg. =
me with someone's daugter. heE.
me with someone's daughter; look at what the baby did to my hair.=\
nvrm baby, i still love you.=))
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